The unmasking of the Communist Deception strategy after WW2. Excerpts from the two books of Anatoliy Golytsin, the most important Soviet defector in the history of USSR, plus a treasure trove of the disinformation campaign of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in the past 60-70 years (click here).
The Communist Nations and Western Assistance (click here)
Please watch the video by clicking on the image below
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions”.
—– Karl Marx
“The most powerful enemy can be conquered only by exerting the utmost effort and by thoroughly, carefully, attentively and skillfully taking advantage of even the smallest rift…of every antagonism of interest…among the various groups or types within the various countries”.
—– V. I. Lenin
When looking at the riots in the summer of 2020, looting, insurgency, violence and lack of law and order in the US, we need to investigate the background of these events. These events have been organized by various groups but the one and only common denominator between these groups is their Communist ideology. This discussion is basically a high level introduction to a very interesting video which can be viewed at the beginning of this article. Many thanks to G. Edward Griffin and his web site, Red Pill University for providing the video, titled “Anarchy USA – Communism in the name of Civil Rights”.
This documentary, researched and scripted by G. Edward Griffin in 1965, was forgotten for many years, but is far from out of date. It reveals lessons and insights that could not have been fully appreciated at the time it was produced. This is not about Blacks versus Whites. It is about what led up to the U.S. race riots in the 1960s, how and by whom they were organized, and what they were intended to accomplish. The primary focus is on how differences between groups of citizens can be used by their common enemy to agitate them into acts of self-destruction. This program shows how the tactic of divide-and-conquer in the name of civil rights compares to similar movements that led to the overthrow of systems in China, Cuba and Algeria. Produced in 1965 – Source: Red Pill University.
According to the video at the top of this page, the mode of operation of Communists can be classified into five phases as follows:
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructions become too irritating, label them as Fascists, Nazi or anti-Semitic. Constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association, after enough repetition becomes “fact” in the public mind” (incidentally Hitler’s propaganda minister used the same methods – note added by the webmaster).
—- 1943 directive by the Communist Party of USA
“Riots – demonstrations – street battles – detachments of the revolutionary army, such are the stages in the development of popular uprising”.
—- V. I. Lenin
Basically the ultimate goal of the Communist is an uprising, armed insurrection and ultimately civil war. This is the blueprint the radical Communists follow now and followed in the past in every country. They want to use the chaos to get into power as seen in the French Revolution (1789), the Paris Commune (1871) Bolshevik Russia (1917), The Hungarian Soviet takeover (1919), China, Cuba, Algeria, Venezuela and all of the Soviet bloc satellite countries at the end of WW2. Interestingly, all of these experiments failed or are in the process of failure. Currently the Communists in the US supported by the Democrat Party, the anarchists, Bolshevik Marxists, Cultural Marxists, Black Lives Matter and Antifa follow exactly the same blueprint.
Lenin talked about the landlords in a mostly agrarian society, but later the Communists generalized to include the owners of the ‘means of production” such as factory owners, business owners, land owners and owners of various other resources such as transportation and mines. As we progressed, today in the US the alliance of the Socialist/Communist Left talks about Whites and white privilege. BLM and Antifa agitators incite violent riots in neighborhoods where businesses are destroyed and people are afraid for the lives. These rioters demand that white people leave the neighborhoods so blacks and people of color (POC) can move into their houses and neighborhood. This is why they call themselves “progressives” because they always progressively increase their demands against society, they demand redistribution of wealth and so-called equalization or equality of outcome. This is impossible, although they can demand equality of opportunity but outcome can never be guaranteed to all. Equality of outcome is the cornerstone of the Marxist utopia.
How to Defeat the Left’s Socialism in 30 Seconds: Liz Wheeler – start at 4:45 (click here)