Karl Marx, Founder of Marxism
Portland OR Riot 2020

Classical Marxism, a body of doctrine developed by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, by Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century. It originally consisted of three related ideas: a philosophical anthropology, a theory of history, and an economic and political program. There is also Marxism as it has been understood and practiced by the various socialist movements, particularly before 1914. Then there is Soviet Marxism as worked out by Vladimir Ilich Lenin and modified by Joseph Stalin, which under the name of Marxism-Leninism became the doctrine of the communist (see Communism) parties set up after the Russian Revolution (1917). Offshoots of this included Marxism as interpreted by the anti-Stalinist Leon Trotsky and his followers, Mao Zedong’s Chinese variant of Marxism-Leninism, and other variants of Marxism in the developing world.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels published the Manifesto of the Communist Party, better known as The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Here are the main points of the ten chapters:

  1. Abolish the ownership of land and put all land to public use. This will eliminate oppression and class conflict.
  2. Create a progressive or graduated income tax. This will spread wealth more equally among all members of the population and eliminate classes.
  3. Abolish inheritance. This will eliminate wealth being held by a few instead of distributed among everyone.
  4. Take away the property of emigrants and rebels. Emigrants who are living abroad and left possessions behind obviously aren’t currently using them, so they can be better used by the general population. Rebels who oppose the Proletariat also shouldn’t be allowed to have property.
  5. Create a national bank using state capital. Private banks simply hold money. A national bank could use money to improve social conditions.
  6. Put the state in charge of communication and transportation. If the state controls these things, rather than an oppressor, everyone will have access to them.
  7. Expand and improve the state’s control of infrastructure and land. Currently, people aren’t making good use of resources. The state can allocate resources in a way that most benefits everyone.
  8. Require everyone to work and require working conditions to be decent. This will result in everyone contributing to society.
  9. Decentralize jobs from cities by combining agriculture and manufacturing. This will reduce geographic inequity and make better use of resources.
  10. Abolish child labor, create public schools, and give all children free education. This will improve the lives of children.

According to Marxism, society progresses through the struggle between opposing forces, the oppressor and the oppressed. This is key: every single variant of Marxism has this as its basic tenet. Without the struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed, the Marxist Communists would be out of business. What they foment is the struggle between opposing classes that result in social transformation by breaking down law and order. History progresses through this class struggle. Class struggle originates out of the exploitation of one class by another throughout history, according to Marx. During the feudal period the tension was between the feudal lords and the peasants, and in the Industrial Age the struggle was between the capitalist class (the bourgeoisie) and the industrial working class (the proletariat). Classes have common interests. In a capitalist system the proletariat is always in conflict with the bourgeoisie class. This confrontation, which eventually turns into violence, according to Marx, and it will finally result in replacing the system with Socialism. The Cultural Marxists believe that they have to tear down the existing system in a violent revolution in order to build a new one. The final objective of Socialism is Communism, which is a classless society, where all members of the society are equal without class struggle. This state can never be achieved, as we can see in it the last 100-year history of the world. Instead we could see hundreds of millions of people slaughtered in the name of Socialism and Communism while each and every experiment failed. Favorite slogan of the Marxists: “A few eggs have to be cracked in order to make an omelet”.

Marx focused on the means of production and their ownership as critical elements of Marxism. According to Marx, the means of production (land, raw materials, machinery, labor and capital) in a capitalist society owned by the ruling class, the bourgeoisie or the oppressors. He also said that in the socialist revolution the workers, the oppressed will be liberated by seizing all the means of production, meaning state ownership for land, raw materials, machinery, labor and capital essentially excluding private ownership.

 “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program. This of course is a very loosely defined relative and subjective criteria, it is totally against performance-based reward (which is the base of a market-driven economy) and can be interpreted according to different individual abilities and needs. Marx’s dialectic is known as dialectic materialism. It is the belief that only the material world exists and that class struggles are the mechanism behind social and economic progress, e.g. the current economic clash between the proletariat (the oppressed class) and the bourgeoisie (the oppressor class) will eventually give way to Socialism and will end Capitalism. Dialectical materialism was an effective tool in the hands of Marxists, in revealing their perceived secrets behind the social processes and their future course of development.

It should be noted that Marx’s theory of the development of social conditions and forces is just that: a theory which has never been implemented as Marx defined it. What has been implemented later was Marxism-Leninism (Bolshevik Marxism) developed by Lenin using Marx’s theory as a base. In addition, currently (2020) another variant of Marxism is used by the Marxist agitators and activists in many countries: Cultural Marxism.

In summary, the five steps of mode of operation of Communists (shown in the COMMUNISM page) have been originated from Marx. If one breaks down the events of any Communist takeover in any country, the five steps fit perfectly. I challenge the reader to view the current events in the United States in the light of the five points below and with very little logic these five steps can easily be recognized as the mode of operation of BLM, Antifa and their supporting allies, the Democrat Party and the national news media. 

  1. Divide the people (I would extend this point as divide with deception)
  2. Create the appearance of popular support
  3. Neutralize the opposition
  4. Precipitate mob violence
  5. Create the semblance of revolution supported by the masses

Who was Karl Marx?
Karl Marx was a horrific racist. Nobody talks about it today, especially the political Left. Please watch this 15-minute video, it will be an eye opener for you. Karl Marx came from a long line of Rabbis but despite of this he was an anti-semite (by his statements) and made outrageous comments by today’s standard about Jews, Slavs, Greeks and almost any other nationalities he hated. He was really the prototype hater for today’s Left which worships him almost like a god-like figure. Also, what you probably do not know  about Karl Marx. (click here – Red Pill University)



Marxism-Leninism is a radicalized evolution by Vladimir Ilich Lenin to the Marxism ideology, which was a driving force in the violent Communist Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917. Consequently, Marxism-Leninism became the foundation of Communist movements around the world in the twentieth century. Marxism is an ideology developed by Karl Marx together with his communist colleagues. In Marxism, the core belief is that the capitalist state (the bourgeoisie) should be removed completely and replaced with a socialist society that will be governed by a dictatorship of the working class, the proletariat. Marx believed that the state is an instrument of the bourgeoisie that protects their private assets, the means of production as Marx labeled it. By removing the state, a Communist utopia, which will be characterized by a society without classes or a state, will rise and take care of the citizens. The problem with Marxism was that it had a number of holes in its arguments that needed to be filled. Some of the problems include the lack of a clear explanation of how exactly the state would die or how the revolution would happen. The new and “improved” Marxism-Leninism addressed most of these problems.

Karl Marx had ties to Nathan Mayer Rothschild by marriage. Rothschild being one of the founders of the international Rothschild family banking dynasty, and it was the Rothschild family that financed in part the writing of The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels and later the Russian Bolshevik Revolution.

Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, will inevitably produce internal tensions which will lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, he believed socialism will, in its turn, replace capitalism, and lead to a stateless, classless society called pure Communism. This would emerge after a transitional period called the “dictatorship of the proletariat”: a period sometimes referred to as the “workers state” or “workers’ democracy”.

World War I led to the violent Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, in the later stages of which the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, took power. Marx served as a starting point for Lenin, who, together with Trotsky, always believed that the Russian revolution must become a “signal for a proletarian revolution in the West”. This was a false belief since no Communist revolution took place so far in the West as history proved it. Supporters of Trotsky argue that the failure of revolution in the West (along the lines envisaged by Marx) to come to the aid of the Russian revolution after 1917 led to the rise of Stalinism and set the cast of human history for seventy years. Lenin presented himself as both the philosophical and the political heir to Marx, and developed a political program, called “Leninism” or “Bolshevism” or “Marxism-Leninism”, which called for revolution organized and led by a centrally organized vanguard Communist Party.

Under Lenin, and particularly under Joseph Stalin, Soviet suppression of the rights of individuals in the name of the struggle against Capitalism, as well as Stalinist purges themselves, came to characterize this version of Marxism.

Marxism-Leninism is an evil concept which failed to implement the Communist utopia of workers’ paradise where all people enjoys equality, free education, the right to free healthcare and basically all aspects of life provided by the state free. All current (2020) Communist states (Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China – all based on the idea of Marxism-Leninism) are basically statist states where the state owns all means of production, so private ownership virtually non-existent, or exist partially in order to show the appearance of “reforms”. Freedom of speech is tolerated only if it is in line with the objectives of the state. Any dissent view or speech is severely punished by stiff jail sentences or possibly death. The state controls and provides everything for the citizens. Marxism-Leninism is responsible for the killing of hundreds of millions people in the past and many were put into gulags, or as the Communists called it “re-education” camps (shade of Nazi Germany here?). The central planning can not provide sufficiently satisfactory goods and services for the consumers, only the market-driven economy can provide the required availability of these things.

Every single case of Communist experience ended in abject failure or in the process of failing. The characteristics of a Marxist-Leninist state can be summarized in the following points:

  1. Absolute control of the state – dictatorship of the proletariat enforced by government with ever increasing size and intrusion into all aspects of people’s lives.
  2. Restriction of movements of the people.
  3. Central state planning for all goods and services.
  4. Ideological brainwashing in all institutions (schools, workplaces, etc.).
  5. Culture (theatre, movies, books, etc.) is in the service of Communist ideology.
  6. Globalism (“World proletariat unite” – export Communism by radical activist work).
  7. Fraudulent elections.
  8. Disarm the population – disarmed people can not defend themselves.
  9. Terrorism, gulags and mass executions to enforce compliance (the first large scale concentration camp system – gulags – was invented by the Soviet Union).
  10. Deception – the Communist government lies and deceives the masses about their objectives, mode of operation, goals, achievements, in short,  just about everything.
  11. News media 100% carries the water for the Communist leadership (free and independent news media is not tolerated).
  12. Some countries aggressively thrive for world domination (China of today) – In the past Bolshevik Soviet Union spent billions of dollars for covert operation in the USA and in third world countries to infiltrate churches (primarily the Catholic Church), governments, teaching institutions, and all aspects of life fomenting unrest, grievances and violent revolutions. Christian Churches were and are particularly receptive to Marxist/Communist ideology because one of the main tenets of the churches is to support the poor – the oppressed, as characterized in Marxist ideology.

Mass killings under Communist regimes (click here)


The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School of “Political Correctness” (click here)

Cultural Marxism main goal and achievement: the oversexualized female ( click here and here)

Cultural Marxism is a branch of Marxist ideology formulated by the Frankfurt School  in Frankfurt am Main, Germany which had its origins in the early part of the twentieth century. Cultural Marxism (also known as Critical Theory or Critical Race Theory) comprises much of the foundation of political correctness. It emerged as a response of European Marxist intellectuals disillusioned by the early political failures of conventional economic Classical Marxist or Marxism-Leninism ideologies. In the 1930s the Frankfurt School relocated to the United States with close ties to Columbia University in New York City.

The central idea of Cultural Marxism is to soften up and prepare Western Civilization for economic Marxism after a gradual, relentless, sustained attack on every institution of Western culture, including schools, literature, art, film, the Judeo-Christian worldview tradition, marriage and the family, sexual norms, national sovereignty, etc. The attacks are usually framed in Marxist terms as a class struggle between oppressors and oppressed; the members of the latter class allegedly include women, minorities, homosexuals, and adherents of non-Western ideologies such as Islam. Cultural Marxism has been described as “the cultural branch of Globalism.”

While Marx’s Communist Manifesto focused on the alleged class struggle between bourgeois (owners of the means of production) and proletariat (workers), Marx did address culture, which he intimated would change after his economic vision was implemented. Patrick Buchanan argues that Cultural Marxism succeeded where Marx failed. Cultural Marxism has succeeded to infiltrate the Christian churches, possibly because of the basic Christian doctrine to help the poor whom the Christian Churches (primarily the Roman Catholic Church) consider a disenfranchised class.

Among Cultural Marxists, the book Dialectic of Enlightenment is considered to be a central text. One of the main leaders of Cultural Marxism was the Italian Antonio Gramsci. Antonio Gramsci was a lieutenant of Joseph Stalin who headed the Italian branch of the International Communist movement (Comintern).

An effective way for Cultural Marxists to influence the culture is to infiltrate schools and indoctrinate students, which the Democratic Socialists of America explicitly endorsed in 2018 in the United States. Another key point: the Cultural Marxist re-label themselves as Progressives because they know that the words of Marxism or Communism would not fly with the American people (or for that matter with most if not all peoples of the world). So this is another huge deception the Left perpetrates on the masses.

Cultural Marxism builds on Classical Marxism in such a way that it creates two major classes in all aspects of life. These two classes, similar to Classical Marxism, are the oppressed and the oppressors. While in Classical Marxism these two classes are only the bourgeoisie and the proletariat based on economic issues, Cultural Marxism creates two opposing classes in all aspects of life, such as race, ethnicity, religion, culture, man/woman, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. 

The Cultural Marxists, after dividing people into two classes in all aspects of life, use their best tool, Political Correctness. They shame those who do not comply with their Political Correctness by labeling them with labels such as xenophobe, racist, Nazi, fascist, homophobe, misogynistic, toxic masculinity, etc. This is part of the Cultural Marxists’ strategy and is their mode of operation. Once the people are divided, they are easy to be controlled. The Cultural Marxists, after dividing the people, propagandize the differences, indoctrinate the people and incite grievances. If the grievances grow, the people go to the street and start demonstrations at first. 

Later these demonstrations turn into riots by either provocations or by some other factors. Once the riots succeed to break down law and order, civil war ensues and that is when the Cultural Marxists plan to take over and rebuild society (they use the slogan “Build Back Better”) based on Marxist Communist ideology. We can observe this pattern in any major calamity in the world, starting with the French Revolution up to the 2020 violent riots and looting in the USA. 

We can safely say that Cultural Marxism encompasses all aspect of our lives without many of us being aware of it. We are being brainwashed and indoctrinated without paying attention to what is happening to us (a.k.a. “boiling frog syndrome”), and more specifically, to our children. The ultimate goal of Cultural Marxism is to destroy culture, language, border, religion, family structure, patriotic love and nation-states by promoting values which are contradicting and destroying the existing and accepted historical values of a nation-state.

Here is a list of key issues (again, remember the key Marxist talking point: oppressor versus oppressed or victim) driven by Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory.

  • Feminism – resistance to white male oppression
  • Racism, White Guilt – resistance to white European oppression
  • Global Warming – resistance to capitalist oppression
  • Multiculturalism – more resistance to white European oppression (Christian oppressors in particular) – replace white population with people from violent and backward cultures such as Islam
  • Environmentalism – more resistance to capitalist oppression
  • Police Brutality – resistance to police oppression, fomenting chaos and riots
  • LGBTQ+ Movement – resistance to heterosexual oppression
  • Firearm ownership – resistance to firearms and more specifically firearm owners because firearms kill people (as opposed to people killing people)
  • Religion – resistance to some religions (primarily Christianity) but supports the ones defined by Critical Race Theory such as Islam
  • Colonization – resistance to colonization, past and present but supports colonization by masses from Africa, Middle East and Asia
  • Open Borders – resistance to nation-states, promotes Globalism (as in Classical Marxism: “World proletariat unite”)
  • Social Justice – blanket resistance to all of the above oppressors instead of Equal Justice

Please read more about Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory – TrueblueNZ  (click here)

    Primer on Cultural Marxism 

Jordan Peterson on Cultural Marxism

When ‘progressive’ is regressive